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    • Questo forum è stato realizzato da Marok basandosi sul progetto open-source Vanilla 1.1.5a, realizzato da Lussumo. Su Internet trovate la Documentazione e la Comunità di Nerd che ci stanno dietro. A breve, rilascerò il codice sorgente di questo forum... giusto il tempo di rileggere con calma le minkiate che ho scritto! :)

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    • CommentAuthorGerdski
    • CommentTime15/06/2022, 20:57
      1 punto
    Posted By: kraus
    Posted By: Gerdski
    Posted By: Marok
    Posted By: Gerdski
    Posted By: Marok Cubista is the girl dancing on the cube, in the clubs.
    You can check here!;)

    I have never seen this. You mean a girl dancing on a pole...on top of a cube? Is it also called poledance?

    Poledance without pole!

    I think Cubista cannot be translated into German:-(
    I have never heard of this before, and there is no word for it...

    Could "Clubtänzerin" save the day?

    Hmmm...a strange word, not sure if it really could also mean a girl who is in a dancing club. "Showgirl" is pretty close, it's the Moulin Rouge thing. Wikipdia says "A showgirl is a female dancer or performer in a stage entertainment show intended to showcase the performer's physical attributes, typically by way of revealing clothing, toplessness, or nudity."
    • CommentAuthorGerdski
    • CommentTime15/06/2022, 21:03
      1 punto
    So, this is what I have so far, except for the end and the Cubista part:

    Wär’ ich cooler, ging' ich in die angesagen Clubs
    Wär’ ich cooler, würd‘ ich die tollen Typen kennen
    Wär’ ich geiler, würde ich mich sicher trendy kleiden
    Und manchmal auch mit ganz schlimmen Klamotten
    für die mich alle (und zu recht) verspotten

    Wär ich cooler, ich wäre jeden Tag im Fittnessstudjo
    wär ich cooler, ich würde nackt am Fenster stehen
    wär ich cooler, ich wär' der Bauchmuskelkönig
    mit meinem Sixpack wär' so schön ich
    und auf jeden Fall der Fensterkönig

    Sie würden meine Haare bewundern
    Ja, eine Perücke, aber sie ist wunderschön
    Ich konnte nicht verhindern die echten Haare zu verlieren
    und auch die Fotos in meinen Papieren,
    sie würden mich nicht mehr erkennen.

    Die Haare, die Haare,
    sie sind weggegangen, und sie kommen nie zurück
    an ihrer Stelle sind jetzt
    Spitzenprodukte aus der Technik und der Forschung
    und Experimente wie man besser aussehn kann / rüberkommt

    Wär ich cooler, käm' ich mit 'nem dicken Jeep an
    vor der Disco, sie würden gucken und ich käm' als VIP dran
    Und mein Name, er wäre immer auf der Liste
    zwar nicht der erste auf der Liste
    aber auch nicht der letzte Drecksack.
    • CommentTime15/06/2022, 21:05
      1 punto
    Posted By: Gerdski
    Posted By: kraus
    Posted By: Gerdski
    Posted By: Marok
    Posted By: Gerdski
    Posted By: Marok Cubista is the girl dancing on the cube, in the clubs.
    You can check here!;)

    I have never seen this. You mean a girl dancing on a pole...on top of a cube? Is it also called poledance?

    Poledance without pole!

    I think Cubista cannot be translated into German:-(
    I have never heard of this before, and there is no word for it...

    Could "Clubtänzerin" save the day?

    Hmmm...a strange word, not sure if it really could also mean a girl who is in a dancing club. "Showgirl" is pretty close, it's the Moulin Rouge thing. Wikipdia says "A showgirl is a female dancer or performer in a stage entertainment show intended to showcase the performer's physical attributes, typically by way of revealing clothing, toplessness, or nudity."

    Showgirl will be fine :-)
    • CommentTime28/06/2022, 21:10
      3 punti
    Batterie e pipistrelli
    • CommentTime29/06/2022, 00:09
      3 punti
    Posted By: Marok Batterie e pipistrelli

    Ecco dov'era il problema! Ero casualmente a capo del bagno e ho riguardato il battero per 9 ore e mezza. Al che il battero mi ha domandato: "Ma che cazzo guardi?"
    • CommentTime29/06/2022, 03:05
      2 punti
    Posted By: kraus
    Posted By: Marok Batterie e pipistrelli

    Ecco dov'era il problema! Ero casualmente a capo del bagno e ho riguardato il battero per 9 ore e mezza. Al che il battero mi ha domandato: "Ma che cazzo guardi?"

    "Guardavo la vita dei pipistrelli!" (batts life)
    "Addebitavo una volta dopo due mesi di conservazione!" (charge once every two months)
    "Kastrox!" (lingua rilevata: greco, Καστροξ)

    E ricorda: l'essenziale, se sei il capo del bagno, è non utilizzare questo prodotto quando la carta.
    • CommentAuthorGerdski
    • CommentTime09/07/2022, 13:34
      2 punti
    Hello all. Here is my final version of Fossi Figo in German. It is not perfect, but I feel that I cannot do it better.

    Wenn ich cool wär'

    Wenn ich cool wär', würd' ich in angesagten Clubs rumhängen
    Wenn ich cool wär', würd' ich die tollen Typen kennen
    Wenn ich geil wär', würde ich mich sicher trendy kleiden
    Und manchmal auch mit ganz schlimmen Klamotten
    für die mich alle (und zu recht) verspotten.

    Wenn ich cool wär', dann wär' ich jeden Tag im Fittnessstudio
    Wenn ich cool wär', dann würd' ich nackt am Fenster stehen
    Wenn ich cool wär', ich wäre der Bauchmuskelkönig
    mit meinem Sixpack wär' so schön ich
    und auf jeden Fall der Fensterkönig.

    Sie würden meine Haare bewundern
    Ja, eine Perücke, aber sie ist wunderschön
    Ich konnte nicht verhindern die echten Haare zu verlieren
    und auch die Fotos in meinen Papieren,
    sie würden mich nicht mehr erkennen.

    Die Haare, die Haare,
    sie sind weggegangen, und sie kommen nie zurück
    an ihrer Stelle sind jetzt
    Spitzenprodukte aus der Technik und der Forschung
    und Experimente wie man besser aussehn kann.

    Wenn ich cool wär', käm' ich mit 'nem dicken Jeep an
    vor der Disco, sie würden gucken und ich käm' als VIP dran
    Und mein Name, er wäre immer auf der Liste
    zwar nicht der erste auf der Liste
    aber auch nicht der letzte Drecksack.

    Oh Showgirl, oh Showgirl
    wie du tanzen kannst
    ich habe noch nie getanzt
    Ich seh dich an, du siehst mich an
    und mein Körper spielt verrückt, kann nichts machen,
    diese komischen Gefühle sind es, die man Jugend nennt.

    Vielleicht bin ich nicht cool, kann ja sein
    doch ich bin tief im innern wunderschön.
    Von außen wirk' ich wie ein menschenscheuer Einzelgänger
    Aber ich bin wirklich gern bei Menschen.

    Nur daß du mich magst,
    würd' ich den ganzen Tag mich epilieren
    so wie ein Pornostar mich inszenieren.
    • CommentAuthorGerdski
    • CommentTime09/07/2022, 13:45
      1 punto
    Some annotations:

    -Sometimes the syllables are different, so you have to sing it slightly differently...but it is possible.

    -I have changed the title from what was suggested before, from "If I was cooler" to "If I was cool", it sounds better in German.

    -2)4:"mit meinem Sixpack wär' so schön ich" is a bit wrong, grammatically, it should be
    "mit meinem Sixpack wär' ich so schön". Twisting the words to make it rhyme is a technique often used, sometimes too often, it makes things silly, but once in a song is fine. Sixpack is usually a packet of 6 small beer bottles, usually from a petrol station. The word has evolved, and now it means strong belly muscles from heavy exercise in the gym.

    -I managed to include the Porn Actor content in the 2 last lines, but had to leave out the "Lies". It is now "to present myself like a porn actor". "-ieren 2 has more than 700 possibilities in German, it is like "-are" in Italian...mangiare, shpalmare etc.. I chose "inszenieren", but other possibilities were prostituieren, kopieren, inszenieren, mutieren.
    • CommentTime09/07/2022, 14:35
      0 punti
    Posted By: Gerdski-I managed to include the Porn Actor content in the 2 last lines, but had to leave out the "Lies". It is now "to present myself like a porn actor". "-ieren 2 has more than 700 possibilities in German, it is like "-are" in Italian...mangiare, shpalmare etc.. I chose "inszenieren", but other possibilities were prostituieren, kopieren, inszenieren, mutieren.

    If you're saying that, you've probably misunderstood the original italian lyrics: "Palle" are not lies, but testicles!

    So, English literal translation of the last words would be:

    To attract you,
    I would epilate all day long
    like the balls of a porn actor.
    • CommentAuthorGerdski
    • CommentTime09/07/2022, 19:27
      0 punti
    Posted By: Marok
    Posted By: Gerdski -I managed to include the Porn Actor content in the 2 last lines, but had to leave out the "Lies". It is now "to present myself like a porn actor". "-ieren 2 has more than 700 possibilities in German, it is like "-are" in Italian...mangiare, shpalmare etc.. I chose "inszenieren", but other possibilities were prostituieren, kopieren, inszenieren, mutieren.

    If you're saying that, you've probably misunderstood the original italian lyrics: "Palle" are not lies, but testicles!

    So, English literal translation of the last words would be:

    To attract you,
    I would epilate all day long
    like the balls of a porn actor.

    Oh, true, I mistook "palle" for "lies", I have to rely on software.
    To be honest, I never watched a porn movie with so much focus on that.
    So then, let's find another word that ends in -ieren and has ball content.
    Maybe "Polieren" ("polish").
    • CommentTime10/07/2022, 13:09
      0 punti
    Posted By: GerdskiOh, true, I mistook "palle" for "lies", I have to rely on software.

    Yeah, google translate is still bullshit when a world has two meanings depending on the context. Reverso Context is a little better (in this case, it would have guessed), but, unfortunately, a perfect translator does not yet exist.

    The second error I've found is in the 5) part:

    "Ich seh dich an, du siehst mich an
    und mein Körper spielt verrückt, kann nichts machen,
    diese komischen Gefühle sind es, die man Jugend nennt."

    You misunderstood the japanese sentence: チン チン が 上 を 向いている.
    The meaning is: "the penis looks up" and not "Jugend/Youth".
    Btw, I would leave it in Japanese: as in many other cases, the joke is to make people listen to "forbidden things", without people understanding them, with the hope that they will repeat everything!

    In America, they did that with English, pretending they were singing in an unknown language: "I am not understanding what I am reading, Elio is bullshit..." and so on.
    • CommentAuthorGerdski
    • CommentTime10/07/2022, 14:49 modiFICAto
      1 punto
    The second error I've found is in the 5) part:

    "Ich seh dich an, du siehst mich an
    und mein Körper spielt verrückt, kann nichts machen,
    diese komischen Gefühle sind es, die man Jugend nennt."

    You misunderstood the japanese sentence: チン チン が 上 を 向いている.
    The meaning is: "the penis looks up" and not "Jugend/Youth".
    Btw, I would leave it in Japanese: as in many other cases, the joke is to make people listen to "forbidden things", without people understanding them, with the hope that they will repeat everything!

    There is a japanese sentence?

    On the oficial text page I read
    "Quella strana sensazione che noi giovani chiamiamo"

    If you leave it in japanese as it is, it still works with the double meaning "Youth/Erection".

    Not everything can be translated, some things will get lost, I'm sorry.

    the joke is to make people listen to "forbidden things", without people understanding them, with the hope that they will repeat everything!

    So we keep the Spirit by singing Shpalman in Germany, where nobody understands the text.
    • CommentTime10/07/2022, 21:08
      1 punto
    Posted By: GerdskiThere is a japanese sentence?
    On the oficial text page I read
    "Quella strana sensazione che noi giovani chiamiamo"

    Very bad page!
    Complete Italian text is:

    Quella strana sensazione che noi giovani chiamiamo チン チン が 上 を 向いている.

    In English:

    That strange feeling we young people call チン チン が 上 を 向いている.

    Posted By: GerdskiNot everything can be translated, some things will get lost, I'm sorry.

    Well, I think the rest of the translation is good, let's fix these two bugs and it can work! :)
    • CommentAuthorGerdski
    • CommentTime13/07/2022, 20:58
      1 punto
    That strange feeling we young people call チン チン が 上 を 向いている.

    "Es sind seltsame Gefühle, und die Jugend nennt sie チン チン が 上 を 向いている"


    The other one:

    "würd' ich den ganzen Tag mich epilieren
    mir wie ein Pornostar die Eier polieren"

    could work.
    • CommentTime14/07/2022, 12:41 modiFICAto
      0 punti
    Posted By: Gerdski
    That strange feeling we young people call チン チン が 上 を 向いている.

    "Es sind seltsame Gefühle, und die Jugend nennt sie チン チン が 上 を 向いている"


    The other one:

    "würd' ich den ganzen Tag mich epilieren
    mir wie ein Pornostar die Eier polieren"

    could work.

    The following line seems to lack two syllables (in order to match with music), for example between "Jugend" und "nennt":
    "Es sind seltsame Gefühle, und die Jugend (- -) nennt sie チン チン が 上 を 向いている"

    A proposal for the other one:

    "würd' ich den ganzen Tag mich epilieren
    mir [so?] wie ein Pornostar die Eier polieren"

    Could we fix the metrics by adding a "so"?
    • CommentAuthorGerdski
    • CommentTime27/07/2022, 21:14
      2 punti
    The following line seems to lack two syllables (in order to match with music), for example between "Jugend" und "nennt":
    "Es sind seltsame Gefühle, und die Jugend (- -) nennt sie チン チン が 上 を 向いている"

    You are right.

    "Es sind seltsame Gefühle, und die Jugend heute nennt sie チン チン が 上 を 向いている"

    added "heu-te" (to-day)

    A proposal for the other one:

    "würd' ich den ganzen Tag mich epilieren
    mir [so?] wie ein Pornostar die Eier polieren"

    Could we fix the metrics by adding a "so"?

    We could, but I would disagree...the "so" means nothing and makes the line awkward to sing (like the second "un tamarro"-line of shpalman), there's 1 syllable too much. (there's already 1 too much, but it's still singable)
    • CommentAuthorGerdski
    • CommentTime06/08/2022, 20:26
      2 punti
    Is everybody happy with my translation? I am :-)
    • CommentTime07/08/2022, 09:59
      1 punto
    Posted By: GerdskiIs everybody happy with my translation? I am:-)

    Ich denke, dass sie ist prima :-)
    • CommentTime16/09/2022, 10:00
      2 punti
    Urna (in spagnolo)

    Urna, urna, uuh.
    Méteme en el urna, urna, uuh
    Urna cineraria, méteme en el urna funeraria, urna electoral, méteme en el urna paponosa.

    68: asno cocido.
    47: la muerte
    llega quieta como un albornoz,
    nos parte de los vivos con el corte de una hoz;
    llega quieta como un albornoz,
    nos parte con el corte de una hoz.

    Lo dijo Foscolo, yo lo repito
    de la vida el fulcro es el sepulcro;
    fulcro, sepulcro,
    fulcro, yo repito que es sepulcro.

    Y hay algo en el aire
    que me dice que voy a perecer.
    Tarde o temprano sé que va a pasar,
    pero eso no me turba, tengo un solo deseo:

    Quiero una digna sepultura
    cuando la muerte llegue y va a atraparme,
    una tumba limpia y duradera
    que me va a preservar de la humedad. Hu hu hu.

    Para los más cultos
    unos pasajes de Los sepulcros de Ugo Foscolo:

    "Mas quien afectos no dejó en herencia
    Con triste rostro mirará las tumbas"

    Urna, urna uuh, uuh;
    méteme en la urna urna uuh.

    Y hay algo en el aire
    - hay algo en el aire -
    que me dice que voy a morir
    - no se muere nunca dentro, no -
    tengo en mi cuerpo una escoria,
    - como dijo Gianni Bella -
    en el intestino grueso,
    delgado y en el duodeno.
    - Padre Luca -
    Siento en el cuerpo unas escorias que me minan
    - Baby Fuca -
    Oigo al hombre del Japón
    que me dice: "Ufo robot, ufo robot!"

    Se transforma en un rayo mísil
    con circúitos de mil válvulas,
    entre estrellas vuela y va
    - entre estrellas vuela y va -
    Come libros de matemática,
    ensaladas de cibernética y repite:
    diez y séis: el culo – El culo –

    Mas mientras hablo tu no me escuchas.
    Hay solo dos opciones: ya no me quieres o estás muerta.
    Me inclinaría por la segunda hipótesis
    pues despides un olor nauseabondo.
    Entonces pienso que tu quieres una...

    Digna, digna, digna sepultura
    - por que la muerte lleguò y te atrapò -
    una tumba limpia y duradera
    que te va a preservar de la humedad.

    Urna, urna, uuh.
    Méteme en el urna, urna, uuh.
    Urna, urna, uuh.
    Méteme en el urna, urna, uuh.
    Urna cineraria,
    méteme en el urna funeraria,
    urna electoral,
    méteme en el urna paponosa.

    Mi amor, mi amor, aaa,
    Hola, aaaaaaaaa,
    si, hay que meterme en el urna,
    méteme, méteme en la urna.

    77: tetas tetas: las piernas de las mujeres.
    23: uah oh ooh: un tranvía. Aaaaah
    24: otro tranvia.
    96: el autobús ha ha ha ha ha, hu hu hu hu.
    15: el amor eterno que une la pareja por muchos años infinitos.
    64: la edad de Bellugi.
    Ha ha ha ha. He he he he.
    • CommentTime24/09/2022, 14:58
      1 punto
    Da qualche tempo, facebook traduce di default, senza chiedere.
    Facendo attenzione, ci si può accorgere che la lingua del messaggio di partenza è diversa dalla propria perché, al termine, c'è scritto "vedi l'originale" e "valuta questa traduzione".
    Talvolta, però, il sospetto può nascere anche prima... sarà questo il caso?

    Lancia del destino

    Di fronte all'invito "valuta questa traduzione", avete risposte da consigliare?
    • CommentTime24/09/2022, 16:40 modiFICAto
      1 punto
    Posted By: Marok
    Di fronte all'invito "valuta questa traduzione", avete risposte da consigliare?

    Miglior fortuna prossima volta :)
    • CommentTime06/10/2022, 12:17
      2 punti
    L'autista di topi è meraviglioso! miopio ahaha sonocosechefannopensare
    Saranno mica i megatopi di Celenza?
    • CommentTime06/10/2022, 12:46
      1 punto
    Posted By: GrumoL'autista di topi è meraviglioso! miopio ahaha sonocosechefannopensare
    Saranno mica i megatopi di Celenza?

    Mi ricorda le mitiche istruzioni del 486 con il "topo micromorbido"!
    • CommentTime23/10/2022, 22:05
      2 punti
    Data locale
    • CommentTime24/10/2022, 22:09
      1 punto
    Posted By: Marok Data locale

    date intese come concerti? concerti per signore agee?
    • CommentTime23/12/2022, 01:55
      5 punti
    Moby Cazzo
    • CommentTime08/01/2024, 15:44
      2 punti

    (quella cosa che Repubblica chiama "nitrogeno", spiegando ai lettori che è il nome di un composto letale, è una traduzione creativa di "nitrogen", cioè azoto in inglese)
    • CommentTime09/01/2024, 06:30
      2 punti
    Posted By: Marok Nitrogeno

    (quella cosa che Repubblica chiama "nitrogeno", spiegando ai lettori che è il nome di un composto letale, è una traduzione creativa di "nitrogen" , cioè azoto in inglese)

    Ólfa il gas nitrogéno dell'Alabama!
    Un saluto ai miei amici citetor amanti della metrica creativa
    • CommentTime11/01/2024, 18:37
      0 punti
    Non è che dai giornalisti ci si possa aspettare tutta questa precisione, neh...

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