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Posted By: krausPosted By: GerdskiPosted By: MarokPosted By: GerdskiPosted By: Marok Cubista is the girl dancing on the cube, in the clubs.
You can check here!;)
I have never seen this. You mean a girl dancing on a pole...on top of a cube? Is it also called poledance?
Poledance without pole!
I think Cubista cannot be translated into German:-(
I have never heard of this before, and there is no word for it...
Could "Clubtänzerin" save the day?
Posted By: GerdskiPosted By: krausPosted By: GerdskiPosted By: MarokPosted By: GerdskiPosted By: Marok Cubista is the girl dancing on the cube, in the clubs.
You can check here!;)
I have never seen this. You mean a girl dancing on a pole...on top of a cube? Is it also called poledance?
Poledance without pole!
I think Cubista cannot be translated into German:-(
I have never heard of this before, and there is no word for it...
Could "Clubtänzerin" save the day?
Hmmm...a strange word, not sure if it really could also mean a girl who is in a dancing club. "Showgirl" is pretty close, it's the Moulin Rouge thing. Wikipdia says "A showgirl is a female dancer or performer in a stage entertainment show intended to showcase the performer's physical attributes, typically by way of revealing clothing, toplessness, or nudity."
Posted By: Marok![]()
Posted By: krausPosted By: Marok![]()
Ecco dov'era il problema! Ero casualmente a capo del bagno e ho riguardato il battero per 9 ore e mezza. Al che il battero mi ha domandato: "Ma che cazzo guardi?"
Posted By: Gerdski-I managed to include the Porn Actor content in the 2 last lines, but had to leave out the "Lies". It is now "to present myself like a porn actor". "-ieren 2 has more than 700 possibilities in German, it is like "-are" in Italian...mangiare, shpalmare etc.. I chose "inszenieren", but other possibilities were prostituieren, kopieren, inszenieren, mutieren.
Posted By: MarokPosted By: Gerdski -I managed to include the Porn Actor content in the 2 last lines, but had to leave out the "Lies". It is now "to present myself like a porn actor". "-ieren 2 has more than 700 possibilities in German, it is like "-are" in Italian...mangiare, shpalmare etc.. I chose "inszenieren", but other possibilities were prostituieren, kopieren, inszenieren, mutieren.
If you're saying that, you've probably misunderstood the original italian lyrics: "Palle" are not lies, but testicles!
So, English literal translation of the last words would be:
To attract you,
I would epilate all day long
like the balls of a porn actor.
Posted By: GerdskiOh, true, I mistook "palle" for "lies", I have to rely on software.
The second error I've found is in the 5) part:
"Ich seh dich an, du siehst mich an
und mein Körper spielt verrückt, kann nichts machen,
diese komischen Gefühle sind es, die man Jugend nennt."
You misunderstood the japanese sentence: チン チン が 上 を 向いている.
The meaning is: "the penis looks up" and not "Jugend/Youth".
Btw, I would leave it in Japanese: as in many other cases, the joke is to make people listen to "forbidden things", without people understanding them, with the hope that they will repeat everything!
the joke is to make people listen to "forbidden things", without people understanding them, with the hope that they will repeat everything!
Posted By: GerdskiThere is a japanese sentence?
On the oficial text page I read
"Quella strana sensazione che noi giovani chiamiamo"
Posted By: GerdskiNot everything can be translated, some things will get lost, I'm sorry.
That strange feeling we young people call チン チン が 上 を 向いている.
Posted By: GerdskiThat strange feeling we young people call チン チン が 上 を 向いている.
"Es sind seltsame Gefühle, und die Jugend nennt sie チン チン が 上 を 向いている"
The other one:
"würd' ich den ganzen Tag mich epilieren
mir wie ein Pornostar die Eier polieren"
could work.
The following line seems to lack two syllables (in order to match with music), for example between "Jugend" und "nennt":
"Es sind seltsame Gefühle, und die Jugend (- -) nennt sie チン チン が 上 を 向いている"
"würd' ich den ganzen Tag mich epilieren
mir [so?] wie ein Pornostar die Eier polieren"
Could we fix the metrics by adding a "so"?
Posted By: GerdskiIs everybody happy with my translation? I am:-)
Posted By: Marok
Di fronte all'invito "valuta questa traduzione", avete risposte da consigliare?
Posted By: GrumoL'autista di topi è meraviglioso!![]()
Saranno mica i megatopi di Celenza?
Posted By: Marok![]()
Posted By: MarokConoscere le lingue è importante, quelle moderne ma anche quelle antiche!
Per questo, è molto bello che su nel Nord Europa, in Svezia, un'azienda si chiami LOCUM: le parole latine hanno sempre il loro perché.