This is a test page to explain Bug 1664477 on Firefox.

In javascript, a new window opened with the "window.open" function gives the opportunity of removing a useless address bar.
From version 3, for some reason, Firefox blocks this feature by default, leaving the user with the ability of restoring it by setting:


(in the about:config of client).

From version 80, that option doesn't work anymore, and that's simply terrible.

Here is a screenshot of what you get now, with the new Firefox (that's REALLY wrong):

New Firefox (bug)

Here is a screenshot of what you were able to see once, with the original Firefox:

Old Firefox (OK)

Here is a working javascript link, to test it directly on your computer:

Monviso flowers

I hope this ugly bug will be fixed soon!

At least, if this bug for some reason cannot be fixed in any way, I hope someone will write an extension to get around the problem, as has already been done very well for the extension that disables javascript or other wonderful features that made Firefox the best!
