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    • Questo forum è stato realizzato da Marok basandosi sul progetto open-source Vanilla 1.1.5a, realizzato da Lussumo. Su Internet trovate la Documentazione e la Comunità di Nerd che ci stanno dietro. A breve, rilascerò il codice sorgente di questo forum... giusto il tempo di rileggere con calma le minkiate che ho scritto! :)

Vanilla 1.1.5a is a product of Lussumo. More Information: Documentation, Community Support.

  1.   2 punti

    Club Jazz / Blues a Genova.
    invio qui perchè la vostra depravazione mi piace
    • CommentTime06/01/2025, 14:22
      4 punti
    (Astronomy NZ Ltd) was founded in 2000 with the mission of making astronomy accessible to everyone.

    We are fully owned by the Auckland Astronomical Society Inc, New Zealand’s largest astronomy club.

    All of the Astronz team are amateur astronomers with many decades of stargazing. We actually use the products we sell.

    We have a philosophy only selling equipment that is of good quality and is useful. We do not sell “toys”. If we would not use it ourselves, we do not sell it! Astronz imports products directly from the manufactures and visit our suppliers factories on a regular basis to ensure quality and affordable prices.

    Our passion for sharing the wonder of exploring the sky with everyone. Because of this we are happy to advise to work out what is the best solution for you and support you getting started with astronomy.

    As a registered charity Astronz uses its profits to support astronomy throughout New Zealand.
  2.   2 punti

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